The Botswana Football Association (BFA) National Executive Committee members have resolved that the 2020/2021 football season be nullified. The decision to annul this year’s footballing season was arrived at in an NEC board meeting held at Avani Hotel in Gaborone today (Saturday).
Today’s other resolutions include;
1. Adoption of the return to play guidelines to be submitted to the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and culture Development (MYSC) and the Botswana National Sports Commission (BNSC).
2. The Nullification of the 2020/2021 season,
3. There will also be football tournament.
4. Formalisation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the BFA ad the Botswana Football League (BFL).
5. The BFL adoption of the constitution
6. Club licensing roadmap, adoption of the new regulations and an appointment of the First Instance Body and the Appeal body.
7. BFA infrastructure development

BFL Board Chairperson Aryl Ralebala
The BFA NEC comprise of the BFA President, Maclean Letshwiti, BFA VP1 Marshlow Motlogelwa, BFA VP2, Masego Ntshingane, NEC members, Carlos Sebina, Tico Kamati, Alec Fela Monyake, Female representative, Lobito Ncube, Southern Block representative Sydney Kafela, Northern Block, Tshegofatso Balisi, Western Block representative, Olson Mantle, Eastern Block representative Barulaganye Moloi, Botswana Football League Chairman, Aryl Ralebala and First Division representative, Sydney Magagane.
Also present was the BFA acting CEO, Thabiso Kebotsamang and the BFA Legal eagle, Pako Moakofhi.

BFA VP1 Marshlow Motlogelwa