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Medical chat with Dr Lone Bogwasi

The field of Exercise and Sports Medicine is a diverse field looking at athlete health and well-being in effort to support them and provide a conducive ground for them to achieve their greatest potential during participation.

Composition of Professionals:

1. Sports Physician – A medical doctor with post-graduate training in sports medicine. Leads athlete care in collaboration with other professionals. Expertise is well rounded and refers treatment to the relevant disciplines of care.

2. Physiotherapist – Provides all rounded physical therapy and guides return to play process along with other members of the team.

3. Biokineticist – Deals with the science of movement along with identification and correction of factors likely to cause injury. They take the batton from the Physiotherapist and are the final phase before an athlete starts with the physical trainer.

4. Sports Nutritionist/Dietician: Deals with the nutritional aspect of the player to ensure they are well fueled to participate. They work with the team to guide on the diet plan before, during and after activity. Also has insight on Antidoping measures.

5. Psychologist – Deals with the psychological aspect of the athlete, be it treatment or motivation. Important part as a demotivated athlete cannot reach their full potential.

6. Sports Scientist: They guide the team regarding how the body works during physical activity, the physiologic adaptations to training and the science behind training methods.

7. Physical Trainer – They work with the team in walking the player through a gradual rehabilitation process.

All these are a minimum for a safe, adequate evidence based approach to aid athlete performance. They work hand in hand with the technical team to compliment their training efforts.

Scripted by: Dr Bogwasi (BFA Medical committee chair)


BFA Conducts CAF C Coaching Course In Jwaneng

The Botswana Football Association (BFA) has commenced a CAF C coaching course at Jwaneng Mine, aimed at enhancing the coaching skills of local football practitioners. The course will be conducted in two phases, with the first phase running from January 13 to 20, 2025, and the second phase scheduled for March 10 to 17, 2025.

Under the guidance of experienced instructors Mr. Ditiro Motshegare and Mr. Phalalo Nketsang, along with course coordinator Mr. Morake Lengwadibe, the course aims to equip 30 participants with essential skills and knowledge for coaching.

Jwaneng Mine is hosting the course, providing a vital platform for local coaching development. This initiative highlights the BFA’s commitment to strengthening football coaches across the country.

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