Botswana Football Association NEC at its meeting held on the 14th June 2020 agreed to set up a Task Team that will assess and evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on our structures and the subsequent relief from the BFA.
The key deliverable of the Task Team among others, is to assess the equitability of the disbursement and recommend any corrective or improvement measures therefrom. The Task Team will also have to ensure that intended beneficiaries are assisted accordingly to minimise the negative impacts of COMID 19 on BFA structures.
The Task Team will further look into the effectiveness of the processes around logistics and modalities of the funds disbursed to regional football teams, women football teams, referees at premier league, first division and regions, foreign players and foreign coaches.
All structures are reminded to fully account for the disbursed amounts before further disbursements can be considered, please be further reminded that BFA is obliged to adhere to a statutory.